Baby The Stars Shine Brightly

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cashed My Check I'm Ready To Go

Before my next post, here's a treat for the Star Wars nerds. A YouTube clip featuring Obi-Wan Kenobi. I warn you. This one contains nudity and it is definitely rated R. It's just a little reminder of how incredible Ewan is. Pay no attention to Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Don't gwt me wrong. He's a fantastic actor and I appreciate his work - especially that delicously crass film starring a trashy but somehow alluring Asia Argento. He's almost unrecognizable as the captivated freak in the audience.

More Lettuce More Problems?

Let's face it. Money saving is smart. But when payday rolls around, stuffing your pockets with hard earned cash just feels so right. Janet Jackson said so in Escapade. I think Prince said it as well but I just can't remember which song it was. I want to say Little Red Corvette but I know it isn't so. Was it Taylor Dayne? It is extremely likely that John Cougar Mellencamp and Bruce Springsteen reference pissing away cash on women and booze instead of baby food and diapers. This Friday, I have a choice to make. Do I save the money to pay back my credit card bills? Or do I give in to my selfish desires and buy something for myself at the mall? I know I should behave like a responsible adult. But I can't help thinking I deserve something that will make me feel good. Then again, the sooner I pay off my debt, the easier it will be to create an empire that will one day buy me the kind of happiness I deserve!

So maybe I won't purchase the Air Jordans I've wanted since high school. Or that fresh jacket I saw on the sale rack at Macy's. Or a DVD VCR combo for my lonely TV set. Maybe I'll just pick up something at Best Buy like the box set for Arrested Development Season 3. After all, I haven't eaten a decent lunch in 2 weeks. Plus I have $10 in store credit at Best Buy for returning Syphon Filter The Omega Strain for the PS2, a Christmas present from 2 years ago. If I'm lucky, the DVD box set will cost me $6.99 in cash.

Damn it, poverty sucks. I can't wait for Hawaii to have its own state lottery. My life is in ruins. Please help me, Ewan McGregor!


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