Baby The Stars Shine Brightly

Friday, April 20, 2007

I Live For Suncoast

It was Saturday night, I guess that makes it all right. What have I got to lose? Two decades after Prince sang those lyrics, he still makes plenty of sense. That's why I decided to pick up a few DVDs I've had my eye on for a few weeks. I went to Suncoast and picked up HOSTEL on sale for 8.88. Actually, that's the regular price now. I guess Eli Roth will release another version with even more bloody bonus features, but for now, I'm happy to own this widescreen edition. I also picked up a used copy of MAY at Sam Goody for around nine dollars. I don't normally purchase used items discs because they often have loads of scratches and disgusting fingerprints and smudges. They look fantastic in the shrink wrap but until you slice open that plastic, there is no telling what sort of germs are inside. Then again, I'm always gushing about Netflix and those rental discs can look awful because they don't send them out in cases. I just had to have this movie because Angela Bettis is one of my favorite actors. This a horror movie, but she deserves an award for her work. I believe Roger Ebert tried to get her nomianted for her role in this film. She is that good. That's why I purchased SICK GIRL last week at Best Buy. You cannot pass up an Angela Bettis film. Speaking of which, she just directed a movie called ROMAN. That's a movie I wold like to look into soon. Okay, I'm breaking off into crazy tangents now. I was talking about Netflix earlier and how I normally hate paying for used discs. Yeah, Netflix discs are pretty beat up. That's because they come in paper envelopes because it's cheaper. The point of this post is, I picked up some great DVDs tonight. But how about something like the Matrix (my reference to Jimmy Fallon's Idiot Boyfriend you can watch in an earlier blog). I almost purchased THE ANIMATRIX for 7.99 in the bargain bin at Suncoast but the paper case is a bit busted up and I didn't want to spent that much money tonight. Then again, that is a DVD I can keep in the player all day just for background noise. In the end, I decided that I'll probably cross paths with that title somewhere else for just as cheap. Hopefully Wal-Mart. Right now, we're enjoying the behind the scenes featurettes for the MASTERS OF HORROR episode JENIFER. If you'll excuse me, I plan to watch more horror and snack on more ice cream and pringles before this night is through. I know it's the first night of the local film festival. But considering the DVDs I just bought, I'm all set. What a perfect night.


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