Baby The Stars Shine Brightly

Sunday, April 29, 2007

This Is My Town! I Run Everything! If You Live To See Tomorrow It's Because I Allow It!

I recently picked up QUICK AND THE DEAD for $5.00. That is an incredible price for such a good movie. And to think, I found this title at Safeway in the bargain rack next to the crappy romantic comedies SAVING SILVERMAN and THE SWEETEST THING. I got the last one. I put it off for so long that I almost had to pay $5.99 for this at Longs. I love finding cheap prices outside of the mall. Speaking of Longs, I finally purchased a copy of THE PROFESSIONAL starring a Natalie Portman, Jean Reno and Gary Oldman. I don't think Natalie Portman will ever top her performance as the 12-year-old Mathilda. Jean Reno is always fantastic and it's a pity he doesn't do more action films. None of the ensemble films he has starred in count. I mean I want to see Jean Reno play the lead in an action film again. What else can be said about Gary Oldman. The guy is a total psycho and I like it. His New York accent is amazing in this film. Have you seen him in TRUE ROMANCE? His gangsta talk was over the top but it was also believeable. Pretty good for an Englishman who played Dracula. The guy looks completely unstable in THE PROFESSIONAL. It's scary. Let's not forget the plastic-scalped freakazoid he played in THE FIFTH ELEMENT. Was he supposed to sound like Colonel Sanders? I don't know but you gotta give him props. I don't even know what his real accent is. Kind of like that Colin Farell guy girls like so much. I just saw him on SCRUBS, by the way and he was pretty funny.

Shabu Shabu The Night Away

Last night, my sweetie brought me to a place called Neo Nabe, a great place to experience Japanese hot pot cooking. That was such a delicious and healthy meal. We had a little table in the back next to a painting of a tanuki or Japanese raccoon. Every time we go back, it has to be next to that painting. I have to say, everything tasted like authentic Japanese food. As a matter of fact, for me, that is best it has ever been. I think it's because of the company. That's what's most important, right? We ordered two sets of everything. That means we doubled up on thin-sliced beef and pork. We had two kinds of nabe broth blended into the hot pot. I believe it was garlic and beef. We had an enormous plate of cabbage and onions. I can't remember what else. It was a simple set-up really. When we do nabe at home, I like to get two to three kinds of mushroom, bean sprouts, cabbage, green onions and at least three pounds of meat. But it's nice to make a mess that someone else has to clean up. I also have to mention the delicious dipping sauces made available. Four kinds but my favorite was the sesame sauce. I drizzled that all over my plate. We have to go back. It's that simple. But I think I am going to replicate our meal at home this week. We'll see if we can recreate the Neo Nabe magic!

New Breakdancing Gear

I just ordered two new Threadless t-shirts! I waited too long for these. In fact, the "Battlefield 1986" t-shirt is almost sold out! This afternoon, I managed to secure one of the last ones in mens large. I just checked the stock chart tonight and they only have two left. I also purchased a t-shirt called "Many Many Monsters." I've been dying to get this one for so long. It's incredible it isn't sold out yet. I guess it's kind of a scary design but I'm a horror fan so I guess it's okay. Check these shirts out at -

Monday, April 23, 2007

My Favorite Things

MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE, the podcast "dedicated to bringing you news from beyond the mainstream, from future science, ancient history and the paranormal to the UFO alternative look at the universe around us." If that stuff fascinates you, please listen to this podcast. The host Benjamin Grundy is just amazing. It's hard to find a podcast of this quality. There are so many hosts that sound unpolished, unprepared and so eager to believe anything outrageous that tickles their imagination. I can see Grundy becoming a nationally syndicated radio host. There are 59 episodes but I think you should listen to episode 53 as soon as possible! It features an interview with a being who is allegedly is a reptillian with knowledge of secret alien societies earth. Try it.

MASTERS OF HORROR DVDs. You can find these at Best Buy and Suncoast. There's one movie per DVD and it's only one hour long. THey usually run about 12.99-15.99. I highly recommend JENIFER directed by Dario Argento. I also like SICK GIRL directed by Lucky McKee. I mentioned this film earlier this week because it's fantastic. It features erotic scream queen Misty Mundae and the creepy but captivating Angela Bettis. It's a very different film than MAY. But Bettis always brings a special kind of weird to any film she's in. I'm a total fan now.

ITUNES. Sometimes I find some hidden treasures on iTunes. Recently, I was able to purchase "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by the Dan Band. If you're not familiar with Dan Finnerty, watch the first 15 minutes of Old School. He's the cheesy wedding singer at Will Ferrell's wedding. He starts singing Total Eclipse of the Heart and it's a nice, romantic moment for the bride and groom until they realize he's inserting F words into the lyrics.

Threadless Monday

Hooray for me! Hooray for me! It's Monday and that means the new t-shirts are posted on Threadless. After two weeks worth of designs that don't appeal to me, they finally have a couple I can really wear. For instance, check out ""Battlefield 1986," a design to promote Jamie Kennedy's new film KICKIN' IT OLD SKOOL. Who can resist a breakdancing yeti? I also dig "Cloud Factory" because it's just so pretty. I'm sure the emo kids will love it, but I don't care. I want this one so much.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I Live For Suncoast

It was Saturday night, I guess that makes it all right. What have I got to lose? Two decades after Prince sang those lyrics, he still makes plenty of sense. That's why I decided to pick up a few DVDs I've had my eye on for a few weeks. I went to Suncoast and picked up HOSTEL on sale for 8.88. Actually, that's the regular price now. I guess Eli Roth will release another version with even more bloody bonus features, but for now, I'm happy to own this widescreen edition. I also picked up a used copy of MAY at Sam Goody for around nine dollars. I don't normally purchase used items discs because they often have loads of scratches and disgusting fingerprints and smudges. They look fantastic in the shrink wrap but until you slice open that plastic, there is no telling what sort of germs are inside. Then again, I'm always gushing about Netflix and those rental discs can look awful because they don't send them out in cases. I just had to have this movie because Angela Bettis is one of my favorite actors. This a horror movie, but she deserves an award for her work. I believe Roger Ebert tried to get her nomianted for her role in this film. She is that good. That's why I purchased SICK GIRL last week at Best Buy. You cannot pass up an Angela Bettis film. Speaking of which, she just directed a movie called ROMAN. That's a movie I wold like to look into soon. Okay, I'm breaking off into crazy tangents now. I was talking about Netflix earlier and how I normally hate paying for used discs. Yeah, Netflix discs are pretty beat up. That's because they come in paper envelopes because it's cheaper. The point of this post is, I picked up some great DVDs tonight. But how about something like the Matrix (my reference to Jimmy Fallon's Idiot Boyfriend you can watch in an earlier blog). I almost purchased THE ANIMATRIX for 7.99 in the bargain bin at Suncoast but the paper case is a bit busted up and I didn't want to spent that much money tonight. Then again, that is a DVD I can keep in the player all day just for background noise. In the end, I decided that I'll probably cross paths with that title somewhere else for just as cheap. Hopefully Wal-Mart. Right now, we're enjoying the behind the scenes featurettes for the MASTERS OF HORROR episode JENIFER. If you'll excuse me, I plan to watch more horror and snack on more ice cream and pringles before this night is through. I know it's the first night of the local film festival. But considering the DVDs I just bought, I'm all set. What a perfect night.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More Than A Feeling

I hate myself for ignoring SCRUBS for so long. The good thing is, I have plenty of goodness to look forward to. Here is a clip from an episode I have never seen. I don't even know what season it's from. What I do know is that it features Donald Faison and he's dancing with his band Mercy Flush. I may be a newbie, but I know that's Grade A comedy!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Grindhouse Into My Easter Weekend

My partner and I saw GRINDHOUSE on Friday night. I am happy to report that we were completely blown away by the double feature. She and are longtime fans of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez so we just had to experience this film on its opening night. As you may already know, I hate sitting in a crowded movie theatre. For some reason, the 8:00 show wasn't sold out and there were plenty of open seats in the first four rows and many sprinkled around the rest of the house. We sat in the fourth row with the aisle directly behind us. Perfect. No one to kick my chair. I was able to sink into my seat and concentrate on the goodness on the screen. We were a few minutes late walking into the theater but just in time to catch some of the trailer for the upcoming John Cusack horror film 1408. It began with the fake trailer for Machete, an exploitation film featuring Danny Trejo (no Rodriguez movie is complete without the tattooed, mustachioed Mexican-American actor). The moment I saw Trejo's trademark oversized chest tattoo of a woman in a sombrero, I knew were in for some serious fun. I won't review the movie here. I just want to say how much we enjoyed this homage to the horror and exploitation films of yore. I want to thank my movie companion for meeting me at the cinema and bringing me some delicious food stuffs to enhance my grindhouse experience.

Now that GRINDHOUSE is over, I am sad that I'll have to wait several weeks for the DVD release. Until then, I look forward to some great horror sequels I have been dying to watch. For instance, there is 28 DAYS LATER, the sequel to Danny Boyle's 28 DAYS LATER. Also, I want to catch HOSTEL 2 starring another short Mexican-American actor who is redefining what it means to be an American leading man in Hollywood. How I've longed for the sequel to HOSTEL, the over the top horror film by Eli Roth about American backpackers in search of a fabled hotel teeming with hot European women ready and waiting for stupid and eager American travelers. Somewhat related to my horror desires is HOT FUZZ, the upcoming comedy written by and starring the hilarious British anti-heroes of SHAUN OF THE DEAD, Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright. So much to look forward to. It's a good time to be a movie lover.

That is all for now. Happy Easter, everyone!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Five Things I Should Be Thankful For Today

5. I woke up before the alarm clock.
4. There's time to eat breakfast. Korean food from last night or a proper bowl of cereal.
3. There's time to fill up gas before I go to work.
2. Tonight I might be able to see Dead Silence. You know, the one about killer dolls. The guys behind SAW created it. I'm going to smuggle in some double cheeseburgers.
1. Payday is today! Hooray for me!

5 Things I Need Work Into My Morning Routine

5. Get up one hour earlier and exercise. I'll feel better.
4. Eat a bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats. Take it easy on the sugar though.
3. Publish one post before I go to work.
2. Leave the crib earlier so I can fill up da tank instead of praying I'll make it to work on empty.
1. Leave the crib earlier so I can avoid all the weirdos on the road.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Gwen Stefani Is Electric

I'm finally relaxed. I've just spent three precious hours of my only day off this week trying to get Gwen Stefani tickets for August. What was supposed to be a simple purchase turned into a mildly annoying mix-up. It always happens to me. Well, after hours of struggling with customer service representatives online and over the telephone, I'm happy to say everything is cool. I have the tickets! That means I'm seeing Gwen this summer! I'm ready to fall into bed and recharge my mind. I'm so happy that is taken care of. I really want to be at that concert because Gwen is supposed to return to No Doubt after her tour is over. They say it's possible she will never do another solo album this decade. Even if she does, I think this is the last chance I'll get to see her perform with the Harajuku Girls. I just can't wait to watch her perform Sweet Escape in Japanese "loose socks."

Pirate Gwen Rocks The Cutlass

Gwen In Germany

Now For Something Completely Cute

Some people live for Tuesdays because that's when new movies are released on DVD. Me, I look forward to Mondays because that is when new Threadless announces new t-shirts. This week, I am only attracted to one design. It's called "One of These Days, We'll Fly Away!" The design is so simple and fresh. It reminds me of the t-shirts I wore when I was a child. I normally shy away from gold, but I dig this design so much!

The last time I wanted a t-shirt, I waited too long. Well, that's not true. I was debating whether or not I really needed "Inside You" by Matt Palmer. I really liked the design, but I don't think red is my color. This time, I am going to go for it. Just buy the darn thing. In fact, the design is so irresistible I am going to purchase the lemon hoodie for this design. It looks so soft and touchable. I would love to wear that to the movies. Better yet, I would love to wear this on my next airplane ride. Don't you think?